Tlumočení mě baví. Jazykem, jazykovědou, překladem a tlumočením se zabývám více než dvacet let. Mohu se pochlubit stovkami zakázek formou šušotáže, konsekutivního i simultánního tlumočení. Kromě korporátních zákazníků patří mezi mé největší a stálé klienty soudy (např. Ústavní soud v Brně), právnické kanceláře, notáři, různé útvary policie nebo například OSPODy.
I employ a lexical approach to translation and interpreting, which involves proactive research and organising terminology into specialized dictionaries known as TermBases. These TermBases are an integral part of my interpreting process, and I also utilise them in translating supporting documentation. As a result, the interpreting is much more accurate and of higher quality. I currently have several hundred of such glossaries.
Thematically, thanks to my education (beyond linguistics) in economics, business and information technology, I prefer business law, but I also have considerable experience in interpreting criminal and civil proceedings.
But I do weddings too.
I just love interpreting!

Why do I do interpreting?
Most of my working time is spent on the computer, translating and editing texts. Interpreting is a welcome change for me and an opportunity to broaden my professional horizons.
Certified Translations
In addition to the usual registry and educational records, I have experience in translating large contractual and financial texts, annual reports and documents for organisations such as the European Court of Human Rights.
Digitally certified translation
Since January 2021, digital certification of translations has been possible under law. This is the second year that I have provided this option and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.